2011. 1st issue
Ashwin Gumaste, Akhil Lodha, Saurabh Mehta, Jianping Wang and Nasir Ghani
Light-trains: An Integrated Optical-Wireless Solution for High Bandwidth Applications in High-Speed Metro-Trains – invited paper
Moving trains represent a voluminous mass of users moving at high velocities that require bandwidth (on demand). A new solution is proposed that facilitates dynamic provisioning, good scalability and efficient use of available bandwidth. The proposed solution (light-trains) seamlessly integrates optical and wireless networking to provide broadband access to users in moving trains. The solution identifies the set of requirements – such as fast hand-off, low-cost of deployment, mature technology and ability to provide dynamic bandwidth provisioning. A protocol that enables end-to-end provisioning across the three domains of technology aka light-trails, WiMax and WiFi is also proposed. The proposed protocol is a cornerstone mechanism for providing inter-domain (technology) connectivity in a pragmatic way. Different aspects of the protocol are considered, amongst which delay and efficiency are analyzed and computed. The protocol and system requirements juxtaposed are simulated extensively. Results pertaining to utilization, delay, efficiency and network wide performance are all showcased. Viability of the model in being able to provide bandwidth to moving users is shown.
Martin Vestenický, Peter Vestenický, Vladimír Hottmar
Determination of Low Pass Filter Coefficients for Receiver with Zero Intermediate Frequency by Differential Evolution Algorithm
In the paper the method of a low pass filter design for a receiver with zero intermediate frequency is presented. Definition of design criteria is performed on the system level instead of specific filter features determination. The design process uses differential evolution algorithm. Main part of the paper describes a creation of cost function and the method of its application in cooperation with the used algorithm. Conclusion of the paper presents a found solution and its comparison with commonly used filters.
Peter Kenyeres, Gabor Feher
Distributed and Anonymous Way of the Malware Detection
In this paper we introduce a multi-domain architecture and novel algorithms for malicious (potential botnet) activity recognition based on NetFlow network traffic statistics. Scalability and robustness were the main principles during the design of this architecture. We demonstrate a new method is able to recognise botnet participant computers (zombies), while the algorithms provide utmost anonymity to network operators. Furthermore, we also provide an aggregation scheme to significantly reduce the number of NetFlow records. This is important to handle the current high-speed networks efficiently.
Tatiana Polishchuk and Andrei Gurtov
Improving TCP-friendliness and Fairness for mHIP
Multihomed environments are getting increasingly common, especially for mobile users. mHIP was designed to provide secure multipath data transmission for the multihomed hosts and boost throughput of a single TCP connection by effectively distributing data over multiple available paths.In this paper we develop a TCP-friendly congestion control scheme for mHIP secure multipath scheduling solution. We enable two-level control over aggressiveness of the multipath flows to prevent stealing bandwidth from the traditional transport connections in the shared bottleneck. We demonstrate how to achieve a desired level of friendliness at the expense of inessential performance degradation. A series of simulations verifies that mHIP meets the criteria of TCP-compatibility, TCP-equivalence and TCP-equal share, preserving friendliness to UDP and another mHIP traffic. Additionally we show that the proposed congestion control scheme improves TCP-fairness of mHIP.
Attila Kőrösi and Balázs Székely
Peer-to-Peer VoD: Streaming or Progressive Downloading?
In this paper we compare the necessary server load of a generic Peer-to-Peer supported Video-on-Demand service in peak hours for two server delivery methods, streaming and elastic progressive downloading. We focus on the playback fault free scenarios. A simple user model is used for the VCR (Video Cassette Recording) actions behavior and for the behavior as an uploader peer. Based on analytical results we identify those settings in which streaming works better. This gives the opportunity for the operator to choose between the delivery methods.
Jan Turán, Péter Szoboszlai and József Vásárhelyi
Mojette Transform Software Tool and its Applications – invited paper
In the last ten years there were intensive researches to find new methods for handling internet image processing and distributed databases. One of the many methods is the Mojette Transform (MT). The MT is used mainly in image processing applications, but can be used also for distributed databases also. The MT implemented under different operating systems and for different processors presented in helps the performance analyses of the MT and also let to conclude the need for reconfigurable hardware implementation. The Mojette Transformation Tool (MTTool) is an implementation of MT and inverse MT (IMT) in .Net environment. The software development provides us with the endless possibility of different variations of the MT implementation in a shorter time frame and on lower costs. Also the testing with such a tool is much easier and it's also better for demonstration and training purposes. There is also analyzed the hardware implementation of MT and IMT based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) using reconfigurable platform. The paper tries to conclude the necessity for hardware implementation for real time processing. The paper outline the development work in order to create an embedded reconfigur-able hardware based on FPGA board.
Roland Vida
The Week when Budapest Becomes the ICT Capital of the World
Between May 15–20, 2011, Budapest will become the ICT capital of the world, hosting a series of high-standard scientific events related to Information and Communication Technologies and the Future of the Internet, attracting the world's top researchers in these fields and a large international audience. But let us summarize briefly the different elements of this extremely busy and interesting week that awaits us.
National Cooperation Fund, Hungary |