Guidelines for our authors
The submission process is managed through the following portal address:
If this is your first time using our system, you will need to register for an account.
Format of the manuscripts
Original manuscripts and final versions of papers should be submitted in double-column IEEE format.
Download the IEEE article templates in Word or LaTeX here.
Length of the manuscripts
Papers should be 6-8 pages long, using the aforementioned format. Wherever appropriate, include 1-2 figures or tables per journal page.
Open Access Articles are published free of charge upto 8 pages. For papers longer than this, there is a 150 EUR per page overlength charge for each extra page.
Paper structure
Papers should follow the standard structure, consisting of Introduction (the part of paper numbered by "1"), and Conclusion (the last numbered part), and several Sections in between. The Introduction should introduce the topic, tell why the subject of the paper is important, summarize the state of the art with references to existing works and underline the main innovative results of the paper. The Introduction should conclude with outlining the structure of the paper.
Accompanying parts
Papers should be accompanied by an Abstract and a few index terms (keywords). For the final version of accepted papers, please send the short cvs and photos of the authors as well.
In the title of the paper, authors are listed in the order given in the submitted manuscript. Their full affiliations and e-mail addresses will be given in a footnote on the first page as shown in the template. No degrees or other titles of the authors are given. Memberships of IEEE, HTE and other professional societies will be indicated so please supply this information.
When submitting the manuscript, one of the authors should be indicated as corresponding author providing his/her postal address, fax number and telephone number for eventual correspondence and communication with the Editorial Board.
References should be listed at the end of the paper in the IEEE format, see below:
- Last name of author or authors and first name or initials, or name of organization
- Title of article in quotation marks
- Title of periodical in full and set in italics
- Volume, number, and, if available, part
- First and last pages of article
- Date of issue
- Document Object Identifier (DOI)
[11] Boggs, S. A. and Fujimoto, N., "Techniques and instrumentation for measurement of transients in gas-insulated switchgear," IEEE Transactions on Electrical Installation, vol. ET-19, no. 2, pp. 87–92, Apr. 1984. DOI: 10.1109/TEI. 1984.298778
Format of a book reference:
[26] Peck, R. B., Hanson, W. E., and Thornburn, T. H., Foundation Engineering, 2d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972, pp. 230–292.
All references should be referred by the corresponding numbers in the text.
Figures should be black-and-white, clear, and drawn by the authors. Do not use figures or pictures downloaded from the Internet. Figures and pictures should be submitted also as separate files. Captions are obligatory. Within the text, references should be made by figure numbers, e.g. "see Fig. 2." When using figures from other printed materials, exact references and note on copyright should be included. Obtaining the copyright is the responsibility of authors.
Contact address
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically via the following portal address:
If you have any question about the journal or the submission process, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail:
Pál Varga – Editor-in-Chief:
Rolland Vida – Associate Editor-in-Chief:
László Bacsárdi – Associate Editor-in-Chief: