Hamid Garmani, Mohamed El Amrani, Driss Ait Omar, Mohamed Baslam, and Hicham Zougagh 

Analysis of Interactions Among ISPs in Information Centric Network with Advertiser Involvement

In response to the escalating volume of Internet traffic, scalability challenges have emerged in content delivery. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has emerged as a solution to accommodate this surge in traffic by leveraging caching. Collaborative caching within ICN is pivotal for enhancing network performance and reducing content distribution costs. However, current pricing strategies on the Internet do not align with ICN interconnection incentives. This paper delves into the economic incentive caching of free content among various types of ICN providers, including advertisers and Internet service providers (ISPs). Specifically, we employ game-theoretic models to analyze the interaction between providers within an ICN framework, where providers are incentivized to cache and share content. Content popularity is modeled using a generalized Zipf distribution. We formulate the interactions among ISPs as a non-cooperative game and, through mathematical analysis, establish the existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium under certain conditions. Additionally, we propose an iterative and distributed algorithm based on best response dynamics to converge towards the equilibrium point. Numerical simulations demonstrate that our proposed game models yield a winwin solution, showcasing the effectiveness of our approach in incentivizing collaborative caching of free content within ICN.

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2024.4.4


Please cite this paper the following way:

Hamid Garmani, Mohamed El Amrani, Driss Ait Omar, Mohamed Baslam, and Hicham Zougagh , "Analysis of Interactions Among ISPs in Information Centric Network with Advertiser Involvement", Infocommunications Journal, Vol. XVI, No 4, December 2024, pp. 33-44., https://doi.org/10.36244/ICJ.2024.4.4