2018. 2nd Issue

Volume X, Number 2

Table of contents 

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Hum Nath Parajuli and Eszter Udvary
Wired-Wireless Converged Passive Optical Network with 4-PAM and Multi-sub-bands FBMC 
Future 5G based passive optical networks (PON) are expected as capable of the simultaneous provision of wired and wireless services for multi-users. In this paper, for the first time, we propose and demonstrate the simultaneous delivery of wired 4-pulse amplitude modulation (4-PAM) and wireless multi-sub-bands filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) signals in one wavelength using one laser source for the future 5G PON. The 4-PAM can be used in cost-efficient intensity modulation direct detection (IM/DD) systems and it provides the double bandwidth efficiency compared to conventional on-off keying (OOK). FBMC is considered as a potential candidate for future wireless 5G due to its high suppression for out of band emissions, which allows combining multiple sub-bands with very narrow band-gaps. Using multi-sub-bands with a narrow band gap, the overall transmission capacity can be increased. In the designed system, the composite wired 4-PAM and wireless multi-sub-bands FBMC signal is generated and transmitted with intensity modulation in optical line terminal (OLT). In the optical network unit (ONU) the wired and wireless signals from the received composite signal are extracted using an electrical square band-pass filter and separately demodulated using digital signal processing techniques. The designed 4-PAM has baseband bandwidth of 4.8 GHz and multi-subbands FBMC consists of 4 sub-bands of 500 MHz each, having very narrow inter-sub-bands gap of 488.28 kHz and the aggregate bandwidth of 2.0015 GHz. The bit error rate (BER) has been evaluated for the performance analysis of the 4-PAM and multi-sub-bands FBMC for two cases (a) separate transmission and (b) composite transmission.

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2018.2.1


Gábor Szabó and Eszter Udvary
Advanced Approximation of Channel Quality in a VLC CDM System 
Expanding the functionality of LED indoor lighting with visible light communication (VLC) allows an additional communication channel beside wireless radio in buildings. This service may be based on various channel access methods and modulation types. Code division multiplexing (CDM) is a suitable method to such an application, but it is complicated to measure the signal quality which is essential to compare different codes and settings, and necessary for some applications like position-dependent information services. Computing crest factor is a suitable method to estimate quality, but it may be inaccurate in some cases. This paper presents novel methods to approximate the quality of received CDM signals along with the crest factor, aiding the more accurate investigation of the VLC CDM technique.

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2018.2.2



Gábor Lencse and Youki Kadobayashi
Methodology for DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability Analysis of DNS64 Implementations 
The trustworthy operation of the DNS service is a very important precondition for a secure Internet. As we point it out, DNS cache poisoning could be even more dangerous if it is performed against DNS64 servers. Based on RCF 5452, we give an introduction to the three main components of DNS cache poisoning vulnerability, namely Transaction ID prediction, source port number prediction, and birthday paradox based attack, which is possible if a DNS or DNS64 server sends out multiple equivalent queries (with identical QNAME, QTYPE, and QCLASS fields) concurrently. We design and implement a methodology and a testbed, which can be used for the systematic testing of DNS or DNS64 implementations, whether they are susceptible to these three vulnerabilities. We perform the tests with the following DNS64 implementations: BIND, PowerDNS, Unbound, TOTD (two versions) and mtd64-ng. As for the testbed, we use three virtual Linux machines executed by a Windows 7 host. As for tools, we use VMware Workstation 12 Player for virtualization, Wireshark and tshark for monitoring, dns64perf for Transaction ID and source port predictability tests, and our currently developed "birthday-test" program for concurrently sent multiple equivalent queries testing. Our methodology can be used for DNS cache poisoning vulnerablility analysis of further DNS or DNS64 implementations. A testbed with the same structure may be used for security vulnerablility analysis of DNS or DNS64 servers and also NAT64 gateways concerning further threats.

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2018.2.3


Tomáš Huszaník, Ján Turán and Ľuboš Ovseník
Demonstration of Multimode Optical Fiber Communication System using 1300 nm Directly Modulated VCSEL for Gigabit Ethernet 
In the recent years, the optical networks have grown to unexpected dimensions. The growth of active users and growing demand for data services set high requirements to network providers. Driving forces of this growth are multimedia, cloud computing and web services which set high bandwith demand. The majority of currently deployed optical networks utilize passive or active network structure using dominantly singlemode optical fiber (SMF). SMF is believed to be the better choice over multimode optical fiber (MMF) for high speed optical fiber communication systems. And in some applications it definitely is. MMF has found use especially for short distance communication as it easily supports distances required for interconnecting building, data centres or campuses. In this paper we present a simulation model of 1000BASE-LX Ethernet with MMF using different optical modulation techniques. The aim of this article is to demonstrate possibilities of MMF based 1000BASE-LX Ethernet with directly modulated vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL).

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2018.2.4



IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Paris, France

IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics
IEEE CINTI 2018, Budapest, Hungary

IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco

IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management
IFIP/IEEE IM 2019, Washington DC, USA



Guidelines for our Authors


Technical Co-Sponsors





National Cooperation Fund, Hungary