Hussein Taha, Péter Vári, and Szilvia Nagy

Analysis of the WRC-23 Agenda Item Concerning the Future Use of the 470-694 MHz Band in Europe

The upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), according to the preliminary agenda item 1.5, will decide the long-term use of the 470-694 MHz band in International Telecommunication Union Region 1 and consider regulatory actions for the rest of the decade. This article attempts to inform the debate on the future use of spectrum in the 470- 694 MHz band and the status of broadcasting services at the European level and in many individual member states. This article highlights the role WRCs played by allocation of the previous digital dividend bands for mobile services. It provides an overview of the most recent trends and developments of existing services in the sub-700 MHz band. The article also explores and analyzes options for future use of the 470-694 MHz band in Europe and discusses the benefits and implications of adopting each option. Based on this analysis, it is recommended to introduce a secondary allocation to mobile service in the downlink-only mode alongside traditional broadcasting services in the sub-700 MHz band at the upcoming WRC-23


DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2023.3.1


Please cite this paper the following way:

Hussein Taha, Péter Vári, and Szilvia Nagy , "Analysis of the WRC-23 Agenda Item Concerning the Future Use of the 470-694 MHz Band in Europe", Infocommunications Journal, Vol. XV, No 3, September 2023, pp. 2-10.,