"Infocommunications Journal" is published by the Scientific Association for Infocommunications, Hungary (HTE), a Sister Society of IEEE and IEEE Communications Society.
The scope of our journal spans a wide range of technical areas, covering the large variety of topics of interest of our Society, in „classical" telecommunications, networks and services, information technology, media technologies and media communications, thus representing the process of convergence of telecommunications, digital broadcasting and information technology. The recently maturing technologies related to Quantum Communications, Internet of Digital and Cognitive Realities, Cognitive Infocommunications, as well as the theories, algorithms, methods and tools related to Artificial Intelligence applications also fall into the interest of our community.
Our scope further includes some inter-disciplinary areas such as economics, regulation and management aspects of infocommunications, as well as the society-related issues. We publish original research papers in the aforementioned areas after rigorous peer reviewing process. We have distinguished topical areas with dedicated editors -- these are: Quantum Communications, Cognitive Infocommunications, Radio Communications, Networks and Security, Neural Speech Technology.
HTE and Infocommunications Journal follows the ethics and code of conduct described by IEEE for their Journals. HTE aims for the highest standards of integrity and endeavors to conduct business in all its tasks in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on behalf of HTE and Infocommunications Journal, ensure the organizations' compliance by adhering to the same standards and expectations.
Our journal is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published. Infocommunications Journal has a Conflict of Interest policy in place. We use plagiarism detection software to screen the submitted manuscripts. Our journal is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published. Infocommunications Journal has a Conflict of Interest policy in place. We use plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Content published in our journal is peer reviewed (Single Blind).
Would you have any concerns regarding ethics in relation to the operation or Infocommunications Journal, please contact us at
"Infocommunications Journal" is published quarterly as a printed publication and is also available in electronic format, on this website.
"Infocommunications Journal" is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Hungary Section and covered by Scopus, Inspec and Compendex.
Technically co-sponsored by
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